5 Books that Changed My Life

5 Books that Changed My Life
Welcome to my blogger page you are reading to sam blogger never stop learning. Ones that have had the best impact on my life and confine mind that this won't be something that's getting to have the best impact on your life everybody has different preferences different ideas different goals and visions as far as where they need to be or who they need to be.

But I feel all of these five you're gonna find throughout this blog is it's somewhat different in a book so some are going to be more so focused on psychology some are going to be more so focused on relationships or finances or different areas of life that I find to be very important so stick along I think you know find some value in this and hopefully you can pick up some of these books.

5 Books that Changed My Life

How to win friends and influence people

I'm an introvert I am NOT good at talking to people and people don't really think that because they just assume that I make a blog, therefore, it must be outgoing and must be extroverted because I like talking but the truth is I don't I'm not very good at communicating with people and so I picked up this book is called how to win friends and influence people and when I first saw it I kind of thought you know the title sounds a little bit strange

It almost sounds like sociopathic like you going out with the goal of making friends and influencing people but there's a reason why it's sold over 15 million copies it's one of the best selling books of all times and it's it's really for a reason 

It's because reading this book has really helped me to communicate with people better whether you're in an elevator talking to strangers or you're going to a company event or you're talking to the family just better at communicating and making friends overall and just being friendlier with people as a whole so you know looking back on it

I kind of tease a number of the items in here because of it. I find it to be sense now but at the time I didn't know most of this so if you haven't read this book yet I might highly suggest it and even for extroverted people, you recognize I've seen extroverts who talk an excessive amount of they mention themselves too much they talk about their dreams that they had last night that nobody cares about was the last time you cared about somebody else's dream and they go on for like 20 minutes talking about it right nobody cares right. 

So just picking this book up it's gonna help you just kind of interact with people better and there's definitely times where you really want to make sure that you're impressing somebody maybe it's your girlfriend's father or the vice versa or something you there's just people that you want to make sure that you're communicating within a good way.

I think it's something that really really does change a lot of people's lives and it definitely helped me a lot for myself so I couldn't recommend it more definitely pick up a copy if you haven't picked it up already.

5 Books that Changed My Life

Getting To Yes

So this next book is something that has likely saved me thousands of dollars since I've read it and it's a simple book on negotiation so this one's called getting to yes and I think that if you're not gonna read this specific book. 

I would highly suggest reading something on relations to negotiation and this doesn't have to be necessarily on how to negotiate for a car or the way to get a lower cost on buying a house but it also helps in several areas of life even for relationships even for marriage even for arguments. 

That you simply could be having it helps to kind of understand the shoes of someone else somebody that you could be disagreeing with understand their interests you can't put yourself in their shoes now this provides tons of various quite ideas and principles but one among them is actually to quite not think about the general approach that we tend to take. 

When we argue something or trying to negotiate which is to have our stance and not budge from our stance and say you know what this is the price that I want or this is what I believe and I'm not going to ever budge from it but instead to a kind of understand their interest and find a way to work around that. 

So that you don't have to necessarily give up something that you really care about most and they don't have to give up something that they care about most either to really kind of find it's a middle ground there so just reading something on negotiating. 

There are so many other books that are very similar to this that you can find just go on Amazon type in negotiation books and there's a ton of other ones that I've read that are very very great but this is one that's really easy to read. 

I mean you can read this in a day or two you can read this in a weekend and it's really gonna save you a lot of money and a lot of headaches next time you get into arguments next time you want to get a lower cost on something it's just getting to be something that's so incredibly practical in your life that you are not gonna want to miss out.

5 Books that Changed My Life

Influence the psychology of persuasion

But one book that I found to be really impactful in my life was this right here it's called influence the psychology of persuasion and that I think that's really interesting about this book is that it really discussed some things that I just found to be so intriguing like why people drank the kool-aid with Jim Jones or why people join cults or how the greatest car salesman in the world the person who sells the most cars how he does it and kind of breaks down the psychology of that so it's actually really great for business but also for just everything in life I actually find myself referencing this book most often in most conversations just when kind of bringing up topics of why did that person make that call why were there 660 witnesses to a murder and no-one called the police so there's just really intriguing things therein I found to be with great care really interesting with that so it's called influence that the psychology of persuasion.

5 Books that Changed My Life

Rich Dad Poor Dad

Let's talk about the next book which is called Rich Dad Poor Dad now you know this is the only personal finance book in this video I've read so many books on personal finance and investing but I would say that this tops the charts and it's kind of an entry level book for personal finance but what it does is it changes the way that you view money and finances and look you don't have to be big into finances you don't have to think about money every day but if you're gonna read anything related to money I would highly suggest this and I think that everybody should read this I wish it was a requirement in school but it's obviously not essentially Rich Dad Poor Dad the very basics of it is that this man Robert Kiyosaki he had to essentially sort of mentors or fatherly figures in his life one was his real father who made quite a bit of money I believe he was a principal and maybe a superintendent at a school so he made likely six figures he was doing quite well from the outside on paper but in reality he was spending all of the cash that he was making he was buying things that he just really should not be buying and he was poor he was making tons of money but he was poor many had this other fatherly figure who didn't even attend college who wouldn't shouldn't are successful on paper but was a multi-millionaire and this person realized that look if you can invest and you can have your own businesses rather than kind of relying on an income from a job then it's something that can be life-changing so that's kind of the principles that he teaches in this book but more so just the mindset of finances and and how to automate things and how to have your money work for you rather than you having to slave away at a job necessarily and so I just think it's so interesting it's it's pretty related to real estate he made a lot of his money through real estate but it's not necessarily something that you have to do for yourself I would I can't recommend this book enough for anybody who hasn't read it and at the very least just read a big summary of the book watch an hour-long video from Robert Kiyosaki about the basics of it and it's gonna really rewire your brain and you're never gonna think the way that you thought before so but when coming up with this list of books that influenced my life it was actually pretty difficult as I said earlier I've read a lot of books and so it was difficult to narrow it down to just five so before we get into the first one let's do a couple of quick honorable mentions in case you've already read some of the books here and you are looking for others so one among them was called quiet the facility of introverts and that I think this is often just really great for people that are obviously introverted but it cause you some various things that you simply can do if you're an introvert and you are not great at speaking a number of the opposite strongholds that introverts have that folks quite overlook another one is really a Tony Robbins book and you recognize.

5 Books that Changed My Life

4-hour workweek

I'm not an enormous fan of Tony Robbins but I can actually say that I've really used some of the principles that I've learned in this book in my life especially when it comes to goal setting and achieving those goals and finding ways to achieve those goals I think the biggest thing I really got out of this was that there's really two drivers when it comes to what makes you kind of hit your goals or make decisions and it's pain and pleasure right so there's things where you might have a goal and you do things that are fun once you hit that goal so you kind of celebrate when you hit the goal or there's there's pain oriented goals where if you don't hit that goal you're gonna endure some type of pain and so I've kind of used that to to hit my goals a little bit better we'll talk about that in a different video on how I hit goals this an interesting story but the the book that really I would say has had the greatest influence on my life is the 4-hour workweek and you know maybe you've heard other people talking about this but I've read this book so many times I read it first and maybe 2009 2010 and it's really not even for the the business ideas in the book obviously it's called the 4-hour workweek so it almost sounds a little scammy and you think 4 hours a week that just sounds too good to be true and for a few people it's too good to be true they then I can actually use the tactics that are given within the book but I want to just say that it's not really necessarily just a business book and actually the things that I got out of it most we're probably the ideas of becoming more efficient in life.
