10 Facts You Never Knew About When Did Life Begin On Earth?


10 Facts You Never Knew About When Did Life Begin On Earth?

How long did it take consciousness to realize life or is consciousness actually alive?

There has been much written recently in scientific circles about the start of the universe, the globe and of life itself with as many varied opinions espoused as scientists are peering into the cosmos trying to find answers. I won't waver the universe a part of the matter too extensively during this article since I like better to address and hopefully clear up distorted conceptions about the start of life on Earth, or a minimum of conscious life, and this may assume the existence of earth already existing in an inner universe of divine subjectivity.

In truth, you can not separate the start of the universe, the globe and life in this world or on the other world. I realize the complications involved in attempting to elucidate this in terms of your time and space, but an effort should be made and that I am just the person to relinquish it a go.

Even with simplifications, explanations are most difficult since in greater terms, the earth, environment and its creatures, created one another during a great orchestration of life, a wave of consciousness that transcends the birth of humans and everyone other species. you're searching for answers in terms of your time and space under the auspices of beginnings and endings and also the look for answers can never be fully understood until you come to grips with the very fact that the passage of years, decades, centuries and eons had little to try and do with the emergence of life on planet earth, although you'll see it that way. In very real terms, the universe is made in each and each moment.

These don't seem to be simple matters as you've got been taught, but complexities exist that may tax the intellect of the best order Entities, so bear with me and that I will try and make it somewhat understandable.

To first get some foundation for this text, I'm inserting the "dictionary" definitions of what "life" really is in the first place.

As follows;

Life is the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects.

Life is an organism that's being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction and also the power of adaptation to the environment through changes originating internally.

Life could be a state of existence or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul, the overall or universal condition of human existence.

Well now, that ought to get us started.

One of the main problems in understanding the emergence of life on planet Earth is first establishing the emergence of the world itself, and exactly what's alive and what isn't. The above definitions have some truth, but they're still remote the mark since they have a tendency to look at life from the human perspective only.

One of the most misunderstandings results from the misunderstanding that consciousness sprung into being from some chance but auspicious convergence of the precise required proportions of chemicals, minerals and electrical charges from environmental sources combining in some hypothetical primordial cauldron-like pool on some already existing landscape, that may lead to the forming of elemental proteins that somehow became biologically and consciously alive.

And that's where the matter lies with this flawed concept. This scenario simply couldn't have happened because consciousness always comes first and is that the creator of matter. during this case, consciousness would have created the world, the environment and also the chemicals, the minerals and electrical charges before that which already existed could exist.

Consciousness creates matter within the earth plane and other sorts of quasi-matter in other reality systems not focused on physical constructions just like the earth reality system.

Consciousness is the medium that propels energy into matter and matter into energy. If you do not believe me, ask Einstein. Life on earth wasn't born or created due to some earthly accidental event, but due to a subjective creative act, an inspirational illuminating breakthrough of consciousness that created the world, the universe and everyone other planes, fields, and dimensions containing other dimensions, planes, and fields at the identical time that

 it created all beings and creatures of the world and everyone such manifestation of what's commonly called living matter.

And this, my friends is that the better part of this story of beginnings. Consciousness lives and is responsive to itself as a particle or identity or a wave of force, whether it's occupying anatomy or not and after all I cannot prove this to you in physical facts, but you may certainly determine upon your death when the anatomy is discarded for yet another appropriate for the new environment that you simply will end up in.

Your dream self exists and it's no physical presence, as you recognize it. Life doesn't demand a physical presence. thanks to your unique variety of physical focus, it might be fruitless on behalf of me to undertake and convince you that the existence of a self-aware non-physical psychological essence of consciousness was and is alive,

 But if you would like to require it back to the first source, the consciousness of God or of that Energy Source always existed and had no beginning as you understand beginnings.

But we are going to must content ourselves now with considering the start of life because of the beginning of "Physical Life" on a "Physical Earth".

There are as many styles of consciousness as there are styles of physical matter, whether you think about them alive or not, that compose the world, and every one of those myriads of consciousness is to 1 degree or another, self-aware, some over others.

In other words they recognize their individual state of being. Since consciousness creates physical matter then becomes a part of its creations, the body of the world, the skies, the oceans, mountains, plateaus, and everyone other physical things, including you, were created by consciousness and "alive" consciousness resides within all physical matter with no exceptions.

It's been suspected by many folks for quite it slow that the body of the world has its own consciousness and this is often true. (You may or might not consider this kind of consciousness alive).

Consciousness is ALIVE and quite as effective whether during anatomy or not. Consciousness creates matter and becomes part of the matter that it creates, so working backward, consciousness and Life are within God, Entities, Souls, Earth Personalities, the animals, the Environment, Nature, the rocks, water, clouds, and every one another thing of substance and mass that you simply call objects.

Many cultures of the aboriginal type that you simply would consider below yours in stature have known of the life spirit within all of the above centuries ago, and that they intuitively honored all earth spirits.

You arbitrarily opt to draw the hypothetical line between what's alive and what's not. If you were more liberal in your classifications, you may understand how a rock possesses a particular overall awareness of being. Not personified awareness, but awareness of its circumstances, its environment, the position of the sun, the temperature and such.

I'm not suggesting that the following time you tread on a rock, that you simply tip your hat and say, "have a pleasant day", but I'm suggesting that you simply understand that you simply are part and parcel of a grand gestalt of living, awarded consciousness, not personified, but responsive to its existence within its own limitations.

You, as living people have congratulated yourselves on your dominance over all other things since you seem to own subdued nature, the animals and also the environment and since of your technological achievements that perception is understandable. Your holy books tell you that you simply should dominate nature; you're nature!

Certainly, your position and limited perceptions would cause you to believe that since you're unable to perceive the consciousness within even the littlest particles like electrons, protons, atoms, cells, and molecules, you'd label them as dead or being magnanimous as you sometimes tend to be, you'll grant them some modicum of limited conscious awareness.

The wiser among you recognize that's absolute rubbish, to place it mildly. Every self-respecting atom, molecule and cell possess self-awareness, whether you see appropriate grant it that quality or not.

You live within and amongst a conscious universe and if you decide on to not call that alive, that's up to you, but latent within your cells lies the knowledge that there's really no separation between you and also the most distant star with no point in-between that's not conscious to a point. therein respect, your cells know over you are doing.

Where you see objects there's objectified and manifest consciousness and what you call the space in-between objects, whether or not they be tables and chairs or stars and galaxies, there's un-manifest consciousness and no space is empty.

There is no hypothetical point within the entire universe that's not tuned in to itself. So there's no misunderstanding in what I'm eluding to; you exist in an almost unfathomable gigantic alphabet soup. Pretend if you may that during this alphabet soup, the vegetables are the celebs and planets, the noodles are what you'd call living, conscious identities and also the broth is un-manifest consciousness not yet materialized that you simply call space, and as you'll be able to imagine, there's no real separation between any portion of the soup and there's no practical separation between all of the objects and events within the universe.

But I do know what you actually want to grasp, so now we will begin with the idea that you simply do draw the separating line within the more limiting definition stated above. Please try and bear in mind that although I try and explain these unfolding's in terms of your time, they really happened simultaneously and spontaneously and that they are still happening in like manner today. You, of course, must interpret them during a linear order through the lens of your time and space, so I'll also do so.

In time terms the life that you simply recognize wasn't the primary reasonably life that roamed the world, and that I can hear some readers misinterpreting what I'm saying here, but the environment, the animals and countless versions of humans explored the world at approximately the identical time in what you'd call pre-history. These first earthly inhabitants were initially, not physically viable, but existed during a dream-like body.

The early earth was a dream-like a world and in time terms were at some point certain to awaken. Dream bodies merrily skipping over dream landscapes populated by dream flowers and dream trees, laden with dream birds were learning as they dreamed themselves into physical existence. The die had already been cast, but the transition from dream bodies to physical bodies took time to accomplish, actually eons.

The earth and every one of its inhabitants dreamed of their physical forms or bodies into existence. All were certain to awaken and as their dream bodies became physical, this became imperative. Obviously, the dream environment had to awaken first, then the animals and at last humans with other human offshoots awakening in their own time. Evolution didn't happen because it has been hypnotized, but there have been great explosions of abilities and propensities within all species.

In the beginning all species were present very similar to the remaining ones are today. Some species died out rather quickly, they didn't take and adapt well to earth conditions at the time. These species still exist and have already reentered or will at it slow reenter physical life either on earth or on anyone of probable piles of earth more suitable to their species. there are no species once created that's extinct although it's going to appear so to you from your perspective.

Some species have exited the world plane but their existence is written within the expanded presence of the inner universe and that they are certain to emerge again somewhere, sometime. In those terms, the dinosaurs don't seem to be really extinct; they need simply departed from the world reality system for future physical lives in other systems more suitable to their needs.

The early humans were the primary sleepwalkers spoken of in many aboriginal societies. These early earth inhabitants existed in dream bodies and quasi-dream bodies for hundreds of years before they became for certain of themselves and their surroundings to go away the protection of their non-physical dream-like existence for more tangible anatomy. it's important to stay in mind that the world, the plants, the animals and also the environment was also present during this multi-faceted dream world within the beginning.

Now, you may decide whether you may consider those first dream readers alive or not since they didn't yet occupy real anatomy, but altogether other aspects, they were alive, cognizant of their environment, had relationship's and developed primitive societies, while on the opposite hand they were slowly adapting their dream bodies for ones more substantial during a world of physical matter.

In terms of your time, you may see this era as evolving from dream bodies into physical, but this all happened spontaneously and simultaneously, in the second explosion of the divine inspiration of All that's. The dreaming self that you simply awaken to once you sleep could be a very real portion of your total identity, so I ask you, would you think about your dream body or dream self to be alive?

If you are doing not consider this intimate portion of your identity as real and alive, and admittedly, I do not see how you may not, then you may say that living identities cautiously ventured forth on a planet still in an exceedingly} state of awakening from a dream and gradually got their sea legs and adopted anatomy over a very long period of your time.

In terms of your time, which unfortunately we cannot avoid, this began many billions of years ago and took eons to accomplish, so you may be forced to look at these happenings through the lens of your time and evolution. The earth, the universe and every one identity are literally created new in each nano-second and also the beginning of the universe will happen tomorrow.

In very true terms, the world is being formed today in every instant, during this very moment, in every moment and this is often not some metaphysical mumbo-jumbo, the earth, indeed, the whole universe is made within the NOW and in every conceivable instant, the brand new earth is made. The energy that may create the world tomorrow is as new because the energy that created the world billions of years ago as atoms and molecules formed themselves into a myriad of forms that suited their needs, abilities, and purposes.

The world as you recognize it built itself from The within out, emerging from an unimaginably vast, subjective inner psychological universe into objectivity, in what can only be explained as an explosion of consciousness or illumination that translated itself from subjective into objective reality. Invisible became visible, intangible became solid and every one species ventured into a never before the experienced adventure of a brand new reasonably consciousness.

I think for purposes of this text, you may say that "Life Began" on earth at the time that dream bodies finally became physical, the awakening of the species, when the primary physical foot felt the primary physical pain when he stepped on a pointy rock, but that's up to you where to draw the road.

There is much left not said, but unfortunately, our space here is restricted, and 1000 books written over 1000 years couldn't adequately explain this miracle of life that happened ciao ago and continues to be happening today.
