The Rudest Book Ever - Review

Rudest book ever
Hi, guys, Welcome to my blogger page you are reading to sam blogger never stop learning it's Sam and you guys know that I've been reading the rudest book ever and I told you guys in our previous blog I told you guys to read this 5 books that changed my life so go and check those books out so that I can share my thoughts with you and this part that I liked a lot in chapter 10 this chapter is called screw pleasing people.

I wanted to talk about it in today's blog so if you are a person who bases their self-worth on other people's opinions maybe you should read this blog I decided to make this blog on this particular topic because this chapter spoke a lot to me I am a person who is a people pleaser sadly.

I hate it when someone doesn't like me I hate it when someone says something bad about me and it really doesn't matter what position they hold in my life even if they don't hold any position in my life what people say of me affects me a lot which is why I asked you guys that if you're leaving a comment please make sure that if it's not absolutely necessary.

It's not extremely rude because it affects my mental state for a long time and recently I have been encountering some of that in my personal life as well which has been extremely hard when you have this whole idea of yourself and then someone says that no you are like this bad person to me it kind of hurts okay and I know that we are all villains in someone else's stories.

Rudest book ever
But somehow I can't get it out of my head and that affects the way I function in my life day to day life and I really wanted to read something that will help me and surprisingly I found this particular chapter inside this book and it totally changed my whole perspective on pleasing people and yeah Charita is extremely rude.

He says that screw pleasing people so but that's not what I can do immediately so I went through the chapter and slowly processed my feelings so this is what I like so much about him he doesn't say that okay do this he tells you why and what is the thought process that you should have to be able to do something.

Okay, we all know what are the good things we should do we all know what are the bad things we shouldn't do but do we always stick to it no because Armand charities are already wired and we need someone to talk sense to us and he does that he starts with talking about self-worth and how we base our self-worth on others appreciation of us.

So number one what we do is that we seek approval and acceptance of people who are capable and awesome in our eyes number two we assume a sense of superiority over others and that's how we guide our self-worth but this is extremely toxic because it's kind of involved showing off this is not something I have in myself I would say but the first one I do seek approval in acceptance in the eyes of people.

Who matters to me mostly but also if someone who doesn't even matter to me says something very rude or negative to me it kind of affects me and makes me think like okay are they right Third Way people sometimes judge their self-worth is by comparing themselves to adore this is also something that I think I do sometimes not excessively I'd say but yeah I do it sometimes let me know in the comment section below how you think about yourself.

Rudest book ever
What do you compare yourself to others do you look for acceptance in others eyes or do you show off a gentle reminder that we are all humans and we are all allowed to make mistakes so yeah let's talk about this in the comments below now comes the best part which I have underlined a lot from my copies a mess.

I don't usually underline books by the way but when I read something that is extremely influential I have to break my own rule so these are the paths that I've underlined and I'd read them out to you so I asked in both do you care what others think about you let's think about this you care so much about what others think about you because you are working under the assumption that people care about you just as much as you do about them and well my friend. 

Welcome to the reality they don't this part hit me so much because the people whose words were affecting me I don't take that they have even spent more than five seconds thinking about me in the whole day okay and Here I am spending five days thinking about why they think these things about me Wow that guy needed somewhere so I'm caring about the people's opinions who don't even matter in my life

You think about it this way just think about the last time some not pleasing someone affected you and think about how much just that person thinks of you most of the time they are pretty irrelevant people even in our lives and that was kind of eye-opening.

Rudest book ever
I'd say by the way also mentions that nobody cares unless they have a personal motive to care so it's not like no one cares about you okay but when you are taking the judgment of people and being screwed over. Because you can't please people.

Just think once if they really matter to you and that has helped me a lot in coping up with the negative thoughts that were bothering me for almost a week now and then he goes on to give me one more realization these people who I want to be liked by and they probably don't even think about me.

Some people want me to like them and I don't really think about them too and this kind of a psychic kind of goes on right there are people in your life too who probably wants to be noticed by you but you don't think about them similarly these people who you are thinking about who you are of being affected by it's the same for them so this kind of cycle. 

I'd never thought about it this way honestly so yeah it's pretty good it's chapter basically dealt with the problem and the problem is this fact that we are basing our self-worth of the appreciation or acceptance of others and that is the root of all the problem the solution to this problem actually lies in the next and the coming few chapters.

If you want I can make a blog on that those chapters are pretty nice too but this particular chapter spoke so much to me that's why this blog by the way the solution is pretty simple he has actually boiled it down to two lanes you have to learn the art of letting go.

Rudest book ever
Obviously, it's one of the hardest things to do number one you can't please everyone number two you can't control everyone every time you feel affected you're probably thinking about being in control

You're thinking about pleasing someone mostly for me it's being in control and when I'm not in control of using someone and I'm seeing that they are appeal forming an opinion of me that I don't want and then I'm seeing that this is oh my god this is getting out of control again it's an endless cycle so Swetha is very good at simplifying things and pointing them to your eyes right before you is absolutely no beating about the bush in this book the rudest book ever.

So if you want to buy this book the linked buy this book will be in the description below I'll be back with another blog next week I hope you guys like the scam it sort of blog again I made this blog just a little bit. After I read this chapter.

So I hope that you like it I know I don't really prepare for this type of blogs because I want my thoughts to come unfiltered to you as I read them and you guys have told me that you like this kind of blogs if there are other non-fiction books by the way that you want me to make blogs about let me know in the comment section below I'll be back with a blog next week till then bye-bye.
