New Book Teaches How to Stay Healthy and Active Into Your Golden Years

In Building Your Enduring Fitness, Lisa Teresi Harris has written the book Baby Boomers and everybody from middle-age to centenarians is anticipating. We all know exercise and nutrition are important, but all the health and fitness books and exercise programs out there seem to be geared toward the 18-40 age group. 

We all want to feel good long at the moment, but we may forget how important exercise and nutrition areas we age-not so we will look good at the beach just like the younger generation wants, but so we will offset muscle loss, brittle bones, disease, and also the belly fat that threatens to create us old before our time.

Harris has been a registered dietitian since 1978. because the owner of tolerating Fitness 4U, she provides senior exercise classes and in-home fitness training and nutrition coaching. As a result, she has the knowledge, skills, and a positive mindset to assist anyone to improve his or her health, activity level, and overall life satisfaction. 

She's helped many people, and now she shares her lifetime of data together with her readers during this new book.

Getting into good condition and being healthy, however, is simpler said than done. Some people might even think it's impossible to weigh down the aging process. many of us believe they're fated to be fat because their parents were fat, or to be diabetic, have heart conditions, etc. 

However, research shows that genetics don't always have the ultimate say. as an example, Harris quotes a source that states "only about 10% of cases [with Alzheimer's] carry the defective genes for the disease, and only 1/2 those that carry the genes ever develop it. 

Most of Alzheimer's cases are caused by cumulative brain damage that happens during life." In other words, disability and disease don't seem to be inevitable, despite your genes.

For me, this book's most vital message is the need for us to urge up and move. Harris asks us whether we are sabotaging our health by the number of hours we sit day after day. It's true we move less with Roombas and smartphone addictions and things delivered to our doors, so she encourages us to search out ways we will move more, like walking while talking on the phone.

And Harris' results are astounding. She helps people that are prediabetic change their diets. She helps people with walkers regain mobility. She helps seniors strengthen their muscles and improve their balance so that they can get on my feet if they fall, and even better, avoid falling altogether. 

She also encourages people to search out activities they enjoy. If you do not like an activity, you will not know, so she shows us a way to find our "exercise ecstasy."

While exercise is very important, so is nutrition. Harris gives guidelines for the way to urge the correct amount of fruits and vegetables into your diet. She offers advice on when to eat protein, what quantity of it to eat, and the way to use it to the best benefit. Of course, she's an enormous advocate of water.

Many people will find invaluable the series of chapters titled "Building Up Your Defenses Against Chronic Diseases." Here she talks about a heart condition, diabetes, cancer, dementia, arthritis, and osteoporosis and the way to enhance your chances of not being diagnosed with any of them. 

She also explores a way to live better if you have already got them so that they don't impede your enjoyment of life.

One of the most important challenges for many people is overeating. Harris realizes we are all human and not visiting eat vegetables all the time without occasionally indulging. 

I really like her advice on what to try and do once you venture out so you do not overeat or once you last one in every one of those cruises where you are feeling like you're being held hostage by a breakfast buffet. 

Despite restaurant servings having increased in size, Harris gives solid advice on a way to enjoy eating out without setting yourself back. At the identical time, she believes in mindful eating-allowing yourself to enjoy food now and so. 

As an example, she tells us: "Have that yummy frozen dessert cone when the urge hits; savor every mouthful, and so just march on. (This is an example of mindful eating-paying close attention to the instant and accepting your feelings, not trying to alter them.)"

I'm only forty-six, but I loved Building Your Enduring Fitness because it made me realize I can take action now so my senior years will provide me with the top quality of life I need. 

I won't exercise regularly but fell into a slump after my exercycle broke some months ago. Friends encouraged me to urge back to doing push-ups and lifting weights and walking more, and even make some changes to how I eat. in exactly the few weeks since I started, I'm already noticing results.

So get a duplicate of Building Your Enduring Fitness and so get on my feet and acquire moving. The more you progress, the longer, healthier, and happier your life is going to be.
